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June 3–4, 2021 was held VI International scientific and practical conference “Eurasian integration and security”.
Conference organizers – Institute of economics and organization of industrial production of SB RAS, Novosibirsk higher Military command school, International research center of SB RAS on the problems of cross-border interactions in north and Northeast Asia, Historical society of the Siberian federal district.
The conference brought together experts of various profiles to discuss issues of economic integration, military-technical cooperation between the CIS and CSTO countries, and cross-border interactions in the Asian part of Eurasia.
The conference materials will be published in the journal “Humanitarian Problems of Military Affairs”
Applications are accepted by e-mail marked “Eurasian Forum”.
Responsible organizer – Doctor of Historical sciences Vladislav Kokoulin.
Additional information about the conference is available on the following websites:
Siberian Science News:
Report on the conference held in 2018-on the website of the Russian Historical Society: