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Collaboration with the Institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences
The Institute of Economics and Industrial Engineering of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences interacts with the leading institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences which specialize on social-economic, regional and energy research. With these organizations the Institute carries out joint work, conferences and seminars, exchange of information and scientific results. The Institute has made agreements on scientific collaboration with some of those organizations. The Institute has most intensive scientific relations with the following organizations:
The Institute of the Economic Forecasting (RAS, Moscow) ( The Agreement on scientific collaboration has been signed on April 15, 2016);
The Institute for Systems Analysis (Moscow);
The Central Economic-Mathematical Institute (RAS, Moscow);
The Institute of Economics (RAS, Moscow);
The Institute of Geography (RAS, Moscow);
The Economic Research Institute (The Far-East Branch, RAS, Khabarovsk);
The Institute of Economics (The Ural Branch, RAS, Ekaterinburg);
The Institute of Social-Economic Development of Territories (Vologda);
The Trofimuk Institute of Petroleum Geology and Geophysics (Siberian Branch, RAS, Novosibirsk);
The V.S. Sobolev Institute of Geology and Mineralogy (The Siberian Branch, RAS, Novosibirsk);
The Melentiev Energy Systems Institute (The Siberian Branch, RAS, Irkutsk);
The Institute of History (Siberian Branch, RAS, Novosibirsk).
The inter-institute scientific integration of the Institute of Economics and Industrial Engineering is performed on the base of conducting joint research on priority lines and programs of the RAS Presidium, integration programs of the Siberian Branch of RAS, grants of the Russian Foundation for Fundamental Research and the Russian Foundation for Humanities. The important area of joint research where the Institute integrates with the other RAS institutes and also institutional organizations refers to developing the most important documents for the national economy and regional strategic planning (Federal Target Program “Siberia”, Strategy of the Social-Economic Development of Siberia, Energy Strategies for Russia and Siberia, Transport Strategy of Russia, Strategies of Social-Economic Development for the Subordinate Entities of the Federation, etc.).
Joint research is also conducted with the industry-specific and institutional organizations (scientific-research institutes), such as Council for Studying the Productive Forces within the Ministry of Economic Development (Moscow), Siberian Scientific-Research Institute of Geology, Geo-Physics and Mineral Resources (Novosibirsk), joint stock company “The Russian Institute of City Building and Investment Development” (Moscow), etc.