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June 3–4 will be held VI International scientific and practical conference “Eurasian integration and security”

18 march 2021

June 3–4, 2021 will be held VI International scientific and practical conference “Eurasian integration and security”.

Conference organizers – Institute of economics and organization of industrial production of SB RAS, Novosibirsk higher Military command school, International research center of SB RAS on the problems of cross-border interactions in north and Northeast Asia, Historical society of the Siberian federal district.

The conference will work in the following areas:

1) Economic problems and cross-border cooperation in Eurasia.

2) Military and political problems of the Eurasian integration.

3) Scientific and technical integration and information security in the Eurasian space.

4) Education in an integrating Eurasia.

5) Historical, theoretical and cognitive, socio-philosophical and socio-cultural aspects of Eurasian integration.

Applications are accepted until April 30, 2021.


The conference materials will be published in the journal “Humanitarian Problems of Military Affairs”

Applications are accepted by e-mail marked “Eurasian Forum”.

Responsible organizer – Doctor of Historical sciences Vladislav Kokoulin.


Additional information about the conference is available on the following websites:

Siberian Science News:


Report on the conference held in 2018-on the website of the Russian Historical Society: