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XIII Autumn Conference of Young Scientists: Current Issues of Economics and Sociology

11 october 2017


Young Scientists Council of the Institute of Economics and Industrial Engineering invites to participare in the XIII Autumn Conference of young scientists in the Novosibirsk Academgorodok. 

The Conference will take place at the Institute of Economics and Industrial Engineering of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences from October 9th to October 11th, 2017.

To participate in the XIII Autumn Young Scientists Conference, papers are accepted dedicated
to the urgent problems of the contemporary economic and sociological science and methods of
their solving. The thematic priorities are as follows:

  • regional economy and territorial development;
  • economics  and management control of enterprises;
  • resource economics and natural resources management;
  • social-economic aspects of modern society development;
  • general economic theory.

Participation in the conference is free of charge.

The working language of the Conference: Russian and English.

A series of special events is also planned:
• a round table on the topics of innovative development and interaction of science and business;
• interdisciplinary plenary session of economists and sociologists on the subject of development of Siberia and the Far East;
• a round table on fundamental and modern scientific literature, in which leading scholars will tell about the desk books of a modern economist and sociologist;
• Business game "Public contract".

Results of expert selection of applications.

The Organizing Committee received 98 abstracts, 76 of which were selected for participation.

Until September 15th participants need to confirm their attendance and send the file with materials of the report to the address The article must be formalized in accordance with the rules.

Publication of the proceedings is planned after the conference. Please, pay attention that publication of your paper in the Proceedings Volume will be possible only in case of your presentation at the conference.

The best reports  will be recommended for publishing in one of the three peer-reviewed journals which are in the list of the Higher Attestation Commission of Russia (EKO; Region: Economics and Sociology; World of economics and management).

More information is available by